Thursday, March 11, 2010

Washington, I obsess over you.

JAI HO! Washington's show choir does this song and ever since two weekends ago when we hosted our own showchoir and got to watch them perform, this song has been stuck in my head every single day. They won our competition over one of the top groups in the nation and usually, they aren't that good. But this year their show consists of some good songs and they perform it really well. I just don't know why this song has been stuck in my head for so long. Why do songs get stuck in your head even if they aren't the most appealing? Even this song, I don't know any other words except jai ho.

Here is the video on youtube of them doing this song. I've probably watched this video ten times and I want to see them perform again because they put so much effort and emotion into it. Their ballad this year is also really cool to watch and listen to. At our competition the guy singing the solo won best soloist and he is really amazing.

They also do a Michael Jacson mix which is pretty cool as well. The guy in the middle at the beginning kinda dancing around like Michael did was really neat and totally got my attention. I was a judges assistant for the finals and so I got to see it from the perspective of the judges and hear what they were saying about the rest of the groups. It was pretty funny to hear some of the things they have to say. It totally made me wonder what they say about us when we perform.

And if you wanted to watch our show it's definately on Youtube as well but you can look it up yourself:)

That's all for now my fellow bloggers!

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