Tonight my mom and I are going to make Christmas cookies for the annual Cocoa and Carols this Saturday. It's where all of our school's showchoirs host a concert for the middle school and elementary school showchoirs so they can experience what it is like to be on stage. We also teach them our version of Roudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.
I absolutely love Christmas time with all of the food, decorations, and joy. Everyone always seems to be in a good mood when it comes to a holiday season. I love spending time with my family too. We put up decorations together, watch movies, play games and just have a good time together. OH I almost forgot to mention all the Christmas songs. I love to sing along and listen to them in the car. Christmas cookies are also the best thing ever. My mom makes the best ones ever and she's going to pass the recipes onto me so that I can make them for my kids when I get older. That's kinda how our family works with recipes. My grandma passed them onto my mom and her siblings and then so on. All of the food we have is so good I could probably go on forever about it.
That's all for now my fellow bloggers.
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