When people think of showchoir, they think obnoxious and over-excited people. And gay guys. But that is not the case with Happiness Inc. Sure we may be really loud and expressive but that is just how our personalities are in life. And, most of the guys in the showchoir, aren't gay.
But while people are enjoying the summer, we have already started our season by spending four long days at school learning choreography. Not complaining or anything because it's soooo much fun, but when you see the end result of Happiness every year, you'll see why we start so early.
Last year I was in Protege, Kennedy's prep showchoir. We were pretty good and won 3 out of 5 competitions. But this year when I found out I made Happiness I was so thrilled! Happiness is ranked like 18th best showchoir in the nation! I think people are really gonna enjoy our show this year because it's super different then anything Happiness has ever done.
Showchoir is probably not just an activity for me, it's my life, as well as my mom and dad's too. During the entire school year, I can't even count how many hours are spent at school involving showchoir. Every year, Kennedy hosts it's own "showchoir invitational" and my mom is in charge of all the food for it; which is a huge job. My dad helps with backstage, props, and my mom with the food. But they both love doing it because it gives them a challenge from their everyday lives.
I've made so many friends from being involved with showchoir, and this year I hope to become closer with many other people in it. We're going on a trip to Chicago this year for 4 days to compete and perform and have fun. But there was a little controversy over that trip when yesterday, we found out that our prep group is going to be tagging along with us. It's an issue because we never got to do any of that when we were in prep groups. And that's usually when Happiness has its bonding time. There are other showchoir competitions, but this is supposed to be a special event for being in the top group. The feeling you get when you get up onstage and perform the best you can is amazing, and everyone around you is having the time of their lives as well.
I encourage everyone who has not seen a showchoir ever, to go and see one because the work that some of them put into their show is amazing. I can't wait for another exciting year.
That's all for now my fellow bloggers.